Each case is individual and we recommend using the services of a good lawyer to best protect your rights and interests.

Our law firm provides consultations and draft documents concerning negotiations; conclusion, performance, default, amendment, and termination of civil and commercial transactions (all types of contracts, including those where a public contracting authority is a party to the contract, as well as unilateral transactions); establishment, amendment and termination of collateral in civil and commercial transactions, etc.

Our contract lawyers provide legal services in relation to:

  • Preliminary negotiations and/or renegotiations of transactions’ terms and conditions; participation in negotiations; preparation of preliminary contracts; review of contracts with real estate agencies
  • Assistance with real estate transactions (purchase and sale of real estate)
  • Preparation and amendment of all types of commercial contracts including, but not limited to: contracts for supply of goods and/or services, cession contracts, contracts for intermediation, confidentiality agreements, construction contracts, etc.
  • Preparation and amendment of any and all documents, regulating civil relations (including lease agreements, loan agreements, work delivery contracts, etc.)
  • Negotiation, preparation of contracts and a complete set of documents for the purchase of companies, commercial enterprises, business and know-how
  • Preparation of agreements between partners and shareholders, consulting on various aspects of corporate relations
  • Review and revision of contracts to be adapted to the Bulgarian and European legislation
  • Performance / default of contractual obligations – providing legal advice, analysis and assistance in negotiations for an out-of-court resolution of disputes; mediation; undertaking all necessary actions to protect the client’s rights in court; preparation of all necessary documents in this regard (notices, notary invitations, agreements, applications, etc.)
  • Representation before the relevant authorities


Our experienced contract lawyers offer services in Bulgarian, English, Russian, French and German.


Contact us for more information.



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g.k. Gotse Delchev, ul. "Slavovitsa" , block 24Е, office 2, 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria

Western Industrial Zone, 2 Neptun Str.,
9000 Varna, Bulgaria

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