Declarations for lack of business activity

A benefit for a certain category of enterprises, which didn’t implement business activity within the previous year under review, has been adopted with the amendments of the Accountancy Act (SG 92-2017). These enterprises are for example every type of merchants (Sole proprietors, Limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, co-operations, etc.); branches of foreign merchants; local legal entities, which are not merchants (for instance non-profit legal entities – associations and foundations, etc.); consortiums (as commercial entities and joint ventures); commercial agencies; foreign legal entities (under specific conditions); etc. (“Enterprises”). For more details:


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g.k. Gotse Delchev, ul. "Slavovitsa" , block 24Е, office 2, 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria

Western Industrial Zone, 2 Neptun Str.,
9000 Varna, Bulgaria

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