
Danailova, Todorov and Partners Law Firm

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Danailova, Todorov and Partners Law Firm provides top-quality legal services to local and international clients from the public and private sector. We consult on all aspects of trade law, contractual law, employment law, administrative law and tax law. We have extensive experience in various business sectors and industries.

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Danailova, Todorov and Partners Law Firm is a long-standing regional collaborator with the IFC and World Bank. From 2009 onwards we have been contributing to the Doing Business project by participating in the preparation of the reports on commercial contracts and their realization, the reports on employment law, insurance law and ownership registration.

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From 2014 Danailova, Todorov and Partners Law Firm is being distinguished by the two most prestigious international legal ranking institutions - Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners.

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In 2014, Legal 500 recommended the law firm in the areas of Transport and Shipping, Public Private Partnership and Projects, Immovable Properties and Construction. Maria Danailova and Kaloyan Todorov were noted as the leading specialists in their jurisdiction. 

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Since 2015 we have the honor of not only being distinguished, but also recommended as one of the top three law firms in the sphere of Transport. The other prestigious ranking institution Chambers & Partners has distinguished us in six consecutive years (for the period 2014 - 2020) in the area of Employment law. They recommended Maria Danailova and Kaloyan Todorov as prime specialists.

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Our team monitors daily the developments in the various spheres of business and law. Up to date information is an advantage which allows us to plan strategically and navigate in the more dynamic business areas and industries. We provide our clients with timely solutions and strategies that match their plans for future development.

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Together we reach the goal

Our high professional standard and business ethics allow us to maintain an excellent relationship with our clients. We believe strongly in the value of trust and loyalty when building successful business relationships. We work with our clients closely, forging lasting connections based on respect and cooperation.

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All You Need in One Place

Resulting from our intensive experience and long-lasting partnerships, we can offer our clients a wide range of services, including the management of a team of experts from different fields on a project basis. Our clients have the opportunity to provide their businesses with the full range of necessary services.


Our team of highly qualified lawyers offers legal advice in the areas mentioned below. For more information, please visit the relevant section.

We offer legal services to both EU and non-EU individuals and entities, ensuring strict compliance with all GDPR requirements.


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g.k. Gotse Delchev, ul. "Slavovitsa" , block 24Е, office 2,
1404 Sofia, Bulgaria

Western Industrial Zone, 2 Neptun Str.,
9000 Varna, Bulgaria

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